
Adjust li width fit with ul width of the outer div/body

HTML:- [crayon-662d1a4776930417515464/] CSS:- [crayon-662d1a477693a476181757/] JavaScript:- [crayon-662d1a477693d245063682/]  

5 years ago

Customize Input Box using jQuery

Prevent users typing special characters in text box, textarea, etc. [crayon-662d1a4776eec666619673/] ^[a-zA-Z]+$ Alphabets ^[a-zA-Z\s]+$ Alphabets + Space Example:-

5 years ago

JavaScript simple form validation with example

Any interactive web site has form input - a place where the users input different kind of information. This data…

5 years ago

Clear the browser cache of CSS or JavaScript Using Javascript


5 years ago

Simple Ajax Call


5 years ago

Bootstrap Button Loading

[crayon-662d1a477745b651152871/] [crayon-662d1a4777461423126107/]  

5 years ago

How can I disable an option in a select box based on its value in JavaScript?

[crayon-662d1a4777575982683613/] Without enabling non-targeted elements: [crayon-662d1a477757a617295771/] jQuery With jQuery you can do this with a single line: [crayon-662d1a477757d982582150/] Without enabling…

5 years ago

jQuery : Disable and Enable Selected Options in DropDownList

To disable the selected option from select input element, following piece of code can be used, [crayon-662d1a477772a006234106/] and to enable…

5 years ago

Javascript Slugify


5 years ago